Alberobello Day Trip discovering Trulli from Bari
5 hours
Half-Day Discovery of Alberobello's Trulli
Your adventure begins with a smooth pick-up in Bari, where you can choose to be collected either from the train station or your accommodation. Get ready for a captivating journey as you make your way to the enchanting town of Alberobello, a place rich in history and tradition.
Meet Your Guide and Begin the Tour
Upon arrival in Alberobello, you'll meet your friendly expert guide in Largo Martellotta. Embark on a 2-hour journey through this one-of-a-kind town, renowned for its iconic Trulli, as your guide shares fascinating stories and insights that bring this incredible heritage to life.
Explore the Rione Monti
Step into the heart of the city with a visit to the Rione Monti, where over 1,000 Trulli line the streets. Marvel at the unique architecture of these timeless structures as your guide explains their origins and significance. It’s a true step back in time, filled with centuries-old traditions and stunning views.
Visit the Rione Aia Piccola
Next, head to the Rione Aia Piccola, a picturesque corner of Alberobello that maintains the charm of a medieval village. Pause at the panoramic viewpoint to snap unforgettable photos, soaking in the breathtaking views over the town and its Trulli.
Discover the Church of Sant'Antonio di Padova
The highlight of your tour takes you to the Church of Sant'Antonio di Padova, an imposing structure perched at the highest point of the town. Learn all about the fascinating architectural details of the church and how it mirrors the surrounding Trulli, while immersing yourself in the peaceful atmosphere of this historic site.
Free Time and Return to Bari
After the tour, you’ll have some free time to enjoy a delicious, typical Puglian lunch, savoring the authentic flavors of the region. Then, sit back and relax on the journey back to Bari, with unforgettable memories of your time in this charming town.
Join us for this half-day adventure that will take you straight to the heart of Puglia, through Trulli, stunning landscapes, and stories that will stay with you forever.
- In case of rain: Bring an umbrella or K-Way
- Comfortable walking shoes
- Comfortable and suitable clothing for the season and weather conditions
- Water
Available languages
- Alberobello: A Journey into the Trulli and the Magic of Puglia
- An Alberobello Tour: Between Tradition and Unique Beauty
- The Trulli of Alberobello: Architectural Treasures to Discover
- From Bari to Alberobello: An Unforgettable Day in the Land of Trulli
- Private Round-trip Transportation to Alberobello from Bari: The tour begins with comfortable minivan transportation from Bari to Alberobello, and back.
- Guided Tours: Guided tour of Alberobello, visiting the main tourist attractions. Note: The guided tour is available only with specific tour options.
- Free Time for Lunch: Enjoy free time to have lunch on your own in Matera or Alberobello, with the opportunity to taste the typical flavors of the local cuisine.
- Transfers included
Not included
- Meals and drinks: Meals consumed during the tour may not be included in the price and will be charged to participants.
- Guided Tours: Guided tours are not available for the "Daily Tour: transfer only" option.
- Entrance Tickets: Tickets to specific museums, churches or attractions may not be included in the tour price and may require an additional fee.
- Tips: Tips for the tour guide or the staff of the places visited are not included in the price of the tour and are at the discretion of the participants.
- Additional services: Some additional services such as souvenirs, optional activities or special transfers may not be included and require an additional fee.
Meeting point
Directions on departure
Useful information
For more information or additional questions, please feel free to contact the phone number below. Our team will be happy to provide you with all the information you need to ensure a memorable experience during the tour of Alberobello.
Contact Number: +39 0835334543 / +39 3284364400
We will be available to assist you with any necessary request or clarification, ensuring that your tour is organized flawlessly and smoothly.
*The itinerary indicated in the programme may be subject to change for operational reasons or unforeseen circumstances (especially weather conditions). However, the number and quality of visits and excursions will be maintained. Any changes will not entitle you to refunds.
Frequently asked questions
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