Daily tour of Alberobello and Matera from Bari
8 hours
Day Trip from Bari to Alberobello and Matera
Embark on a captivating full-day adventure departing from Bari in a comfortable private minivan. This unforgettable tour will take you to two of the most iconic destinations in Southern Italy: Alberobello, famous for its charming trulli, and Matera, home to the ancient Sassi. Whether you’re a history enthusiast, a culture lover, or simply someone eager to discover unique landscapes, this day trip promises to be an enriching experience.
Arrival in Alberobello and Group Guided Tour
Your journey begins with a visit to Alberobello, a UNESCO World Heritage site renowned for its trulli – traditional dry-stone huts with conical roofs. Upon arrival, you’ll meet your expert guide for a fascinating 2-hour tour. Explore the Rione Monti, the monumental area of the town, where over a thousand trulli stand side by side, many now housing artisan shops, cafes, and restaurants. You’ll then visit the tranquil Rione Aia Piccola, a residential area that has remained untouched by commercial activity, offering a glimpse into Alberobello’s medieval past. Next, discover the Casa d’Amore, a National Monument since 1930, which showcases the evolution of trulli construction into more modern 19th-century dwellings. Your guided tour concludes with a visit to the Trullo Church of Sant'Antonio, perched at the highest point of the town, blending perfectly with its surroundings.
Arrival in Matera, Lunch, and Guided Tour of the Sassi
Next, head to Matera, a stunning city carved into the rock and named the European Capital of Culture 2019. Upon arrival, you'll have some free time to enjoy lunch at your leisure, perhaps sampling the local delicacies. Afterward, meet your guide again for a walking tour through the famous Sassi di Matera, a labyrinth of ancient stone dwellings and winding alleys. Your first stop will be the Church of Purgatory, followed by a visit to Piazza di San Francesco, where you’ll hear about the church’s history and the nearby Piazza del Sedile. As you wander through the Sassi, you’ll be mesmerized by the breathtaking views of the rock-hewn homes, alternating between steep climbs and descents. The tour also includes a visit to an ancient rock church adorned with frescoes and a stop at a Casa Grotta, a traditional cave dwelling furnished with period furniture and tools, offering a fascinating glimpse into past rural life.
Return to Bari
After a day full of history, culture, and unique sights, you'll return to the meeting point in Matera for your journey back to Bari. You’ll arrive in Bari in the evening, carrying with you unforgettable memories of your time exploring Alberobello and Matera.
Note: The order of the visits may vary for organizational reasons.
- In case of rain: Bring an umbrella or K-Way
- Comfortable walking shoes
- Comfortable clothing
- Water
Available languages
- Get ready for an unforgettable adventure as you explore two of the most captivating destinations in Southern Italy
- Start your journey in Bari and relax in the comfort of a private minivan as you make your way to these incredible landmarks
- With a knowledgeable guide by your side, you’ll uncover the rich history and culture of Alberobello and Matera, immersing yourself in their iconic sights while delving deep into the fascinating stories that define the soul of Southern Italy
- Private Round-trip Transportation to Alberobello and Matera from Bari: The tour begins with comfortable minivan transportation from Bari to Alberobello and Matera, and back.
- Free Time for Lunch: Enjoy free time to have lunch on your own in Matera or Alberobello, with the opportunity to taste the typical flavors of the local cuisine.
- Guided Tours: Guided tour of Alberobello and Matera, visiting the main tourist attractions. Note: The guided tour is available only with specific tour options.
- Entrance Tickets: Entrance tickets for attractions such as the Sant’Antonio Abate Rupestrian Church and the "casa grotta" museum are included in the tour. Note: Entrance tickets are available only for those who choose an option with guided tours.
- Transfers included
Not included
- Meals and drinks: Meals consumed during the tour may not be included in the price and will be charged to participants.
- Guided Tours: Guided tours are not available for the "Daily Tour: transfer only" option.
- Entrance Tickets: Tickets to specific museums, churches or attractions may not be included in the tour price and may require an additional fee.
- Tips: Tips for the tour guide or the staff of the places visited are not included in the price of the tour and are at the discretion of the participants.
- Additional services: Some additional services such as souvenirs, optional activities or special transfers may not be included and require an additional fee.
Meeting point
Directions on departure
Departure in a comfortable minivan towards Alberobello from the designated meeting point in Bari
Arrival in Alberobello and start of the guided tour of the historic center, exploring the trulli and artisan shops. (See Alberobello Experience)
Departure from Alberobello to Matera.
Arrival in Matera and free time for lunch and further individual exploration. Start of the guided tour of the Sassi, exploring the ancient cave dwellings and historical monuments. (See the Sassi Tour)
Departure from Matera to Bari the end of the excursion.
Useful information
For more information or additional questions, please feel free to contact the phone number below. Our team will be happy to provide you with all the information you need to ensure a memorable experience during the Day Trip from Bari.
Contact Number: +39 0835334543 / +39 3284364400
We will be available to assist you with any necessary request or clarification, ensuring that your tour is organized flawlessly and smoothly.
*The itinerary indicated in the programme may be subject to change for operational reasons or unforeseen circumstances (especially weather conditions). However, the number and quality of visits and excursions will be maintained. Any changes will not entitle you to refunds.
Frequently asked questions
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Half-Day Trip to Castel del Monte Departing from Bari
Daily Tour
65,00€ € per person -