Metaponto and Craco Day Trip from Matera
6 hours
Exploring Ancient Ruins and Abandoned Villages of Basilicata
Join a captivating day tour departing from Matera to explore Metaponto and Craco. Visit the Archaeological Park and the Tavole Palatine of Metaponto, remnants of Hellenic culture. After a packed lunch with a panoramic view of the stunning Calanchi surrounding Craco, continue with the exploration of the "Ghost Town". Before returning to Matera, enjoy a stop at the Amaro Lucano Museum to discover the history of the famous liqueur.
Explore the Past in Metaponto:
Depart from Matera in the morning to reach Metaponto and immerse yourself in the heart of ancient Magna Graecia. Discover the Archaeological Park and admire the imposing Tavole Palatine that tell millennia-old stories.
Discovering Metaponto:
Metaponto, a crossroads of history and culture, was founded by the Greeks in the 7th century BC. Between two rivers, Bradano and Basento, this ancient village was a symbol of Hellenism in Southern Italy. Explore its archaeological treasures, from the Park of Apollonio Licio to the majestic Tavole Palatine that speak of its glorious past.
Among the Wonders of Craco:
After a panoramic transfer to Craco, stop at the stunning Calanchi for a packed lunch. In the afternoon, immerse yourself in the unique atmosphere of Craco, the "Ghost Town", where time seems to have stopped after the catastrophic landslide of 1963.
Taste and Tradition in Matera:
Before returning to Matera, stop at the Amaro Lucano Museum and delve into the history of this famous liqueur. Here, you can discover the roots and tradition that gave life to this iconic beverage. In addition to learning about the production process, you will have the opportunity to taste a variety of cocktails made with Amaro Lucano.
A Journey through Time in Matera:
Return to Matera with memories of an unforgettable adventure through the history and beauty of Basilicata.
- In case of rain: Bring an umbrella or a K-Way.
- Recommended clothing:Â comfortable and suitable clothing and closed shoes for walking
Available languages
- Set out on our tour and explore Lucanian Magna Graecia
- Savor the renowned Lucanian liquor
- Discover the evocative Ghost Village of Craco
- Transport from Matera: The tour includes round-trip transportation by bus or minivan to Metaponto and Craco
- Entry ticket to Craco: The ticket covers a group experience with the audio guide (max 40 people)
- Lunch box: Delight yourself with a fresh sandwich, a refreshing bottle of water, and a delicious dessert during your tour
- Private guided tour of Metaponto: Discover the rich history of Metaponto by exploring the ancient ruins of this fascinating Magna Graecia site
- Stop in Pisticci Scalo: Visit the renowned Essence Lucano Museum
- Expert guide: Learn about local traditions and fascinating stories through the narration of an authorized guide
- Transfers included
Not included
- Entry ticket: The entry ticket to the Archaeological Area of Metaponto is € 3.00 per person and is not included in the tour price
- Purchase of drinks:Â Drinks at Essenza Lucano museum are not included in the tour package
- Tips: Tips for the tour guide or staff at visited locations are not included in the tour price and are at the discretion of the participants
- Additional services: Some additional services such as souvenirs, optional activities, or special transfers may not be included and may require an additional cost
Meeting point
Directions on departure
In the morning, transfer to Metaponto, one of the oldest centers in Basilicata.
Tour the Archaeological Park and the Palatine Tables, symbols of Hellenic culture.
Picnic lunch with a view of the picturesque Calanchi surrounding Craco.
Explore the "Ghost Town," abandoned after the 1963 landslide, where time seems to have stood still.
Visit to the museum to discover the history of the famous liqueur.
Return to Materain the afternoon, full of memories of a journey through history and unique landscapes.
Useful information
- Cancellation Policy: Possible cancellation without penalties up to 3 days before the tour departure
- Cancellation and Rescheduling Policy in case of Bad Weather: Please refer to our cancellation and rescheduling policy for detailed information on how the situation will be handled in case of bad weather. Refund or rescheduling options may be available
- Schedule and Emergency Contact: In the event of rescheduling to the following day, the meeting time will be specified, and an emergency contact number will be provided for additional assistance during bad weather or rescheduled tour booking
For further information or additional questions, please contact the phone numbers below. Our team will be happy to provide you with all the information you need to ensure a memorable experience during the tour.
Contact Number: +39 0835334543 / +39 3284364400.
We will assist you with any requests or clarifications if needed, ensuring that your tour is organized seamlessly and without any issues.
ATTENTION: The itinerary outlined in the program may be subject to changes due to operational reasons or unforeseen circumstances (especially weather conditions). However, the number and quality of visits and excursions will be maintained. Any changes will not entitle you to refunds.
Frequently asked questions
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