Rural Experience of Olive Harvesting in Monopoli
2 hours
An Adventure Among Olive Trees: Discover the Magic of Olive Harvesting in Monopoli
Get ready for a unique and immersive experience in the heart of the Apulian countryside by participating in olive harvesting at a charming farmhouse. Immerse yourself in the breathtaking beauty of a landscape surrounded by ancient olive trees and the enticing aroma of fresh olive oil. This unforgettable day offers you the opportunity to uncover the secrets of a millenary tradition and play an active role in the olive harvesting process.
A Unique Sensory Experience
Imagine breathing in the fresh air as the sun warms your skin, moving among the branches of the olive trees. During this experience, you will touch ripe olives, spread the nets, and witness the magical moment of olive beating. With the guidance of expert local farmers, you’ll learn the ancient techniques passed down through generations, preserving the tradition and quality of the fruit. You’ll be involved in every stage of the process, from the harvest to transporting the olives to the mill.
A Relaxing Pause in Nature
After a morning of activity, enjoy a delightful picnic amidst the tranquility of the olive groves. This is the perfect opportunity to savor typical Apulian products, such as fresh bread, local cheeses, seasonal fruit, and, of course, freshly pressed extra virgin olive oil. A moment of relaxation under the olive trees to recharge and share stories and laughter with fellow participants, surrounded by the authentic beauty of the Apulian countryside.
A Journey Through Tradition and Culture
This adventure is not just about harvesting; it’s a true sensory journey into the world of extra virgin olive oil. Discover the dedication and effort required to produce every bottle of oil. The farmhouse owners will guide you with passion, sharing stories and anecdotes about Apulian culture and the significance of olive oil in local traditions.
An Unforgettable Day
Don’t miss the chance to experience this adventure among the olive trees in Monopoli. Be enchanted by the beauty of nature, the art of olive harvesting, and the warmth of Apulian hospitality. A day at the farmhouse will be an experience that stays in your heart and memories, making you fall even more in love with the tradition and culture of Puglia.
Join us and discover the magic of olive harvesting: an unforgettable experience that celebrates the beauty of the countryside and the authentic flavors of Puglia!
- Suitable Clothing
- Appropriate Footwear
- Hat and Sunglasses
- Water Bottle
- Backpack or Bag
- Camera or Smartphone
Available languages
- An adventure among the olive trees: discover the magic of olive harvesting in Monopoli
- An unforgettable day: olive harvesting as a sensory experience at Sorrelle Barnaba farmhouse
- Olive Harvesting Experience in Monopoli
- Expert Guide: A local expert farmer will accompany you throughout the entire experience, providing practical instructions, sharing knowledge about the production process of extra virgin olive oil, and answering all your questions.
- Equipment: All the necessary equipment for olive harvesting will be provided by the farmhouse. This includes baskets for harvesting, work gloves, and any other tools required to participate in the activities.
- Visit to the Oil Mill: You will have the opportunity to visit the farmhouse's oil mill and witness the process of olive pressing for the production of extra virgin olive oil. You will be able to observe the machines in operation up close and learn the secrets of oil production.
- Lunch Break Among the Olive Trees: During the experience, you’ll enjoy a delightful picnic among the olive trees, where you can savor a selection of traditional Apulian products. Homemade bread, local cheeses, and extra virgin olive oil will turn this moment into a true journey through the flavors of tradition.
Not included
- Transportation: Transportation to and from the farmhouse is not included in the service. Guests are responsible for arranging their own transportation to the location of the experience.
- Extra Meals: Although a lunch break is scheduled during the experience, any extra meals outside of what is provided during the activity are not included in the service. Guests are invited to bring any additional snacks or meals they may need during the day.
- Accommodation: Accommodation at the farmhouse is not included in the olive harvesting service. Guests wishing to stay overnight at the farmhouse can book rooms or apartments separately, subject to availability.
- Extra Activities: Any additional activities or excursions outside of the olive harvesting program are not included in the service. Guests wishing to participate in additional activities can arrange them separately with the farmhouse.
- Personal Items: Personal items such as souvenirs, gift items, or other purchases are not included in the service. Guests are responsible for any additional expenses for items purchased during the experience.
- Transfer non inclusi
Meeting point
Directions on departure
Useful information
- Cancellation and Rescheduling Management: For detailed information on our policy in case of bad weather, please refer to our cancellation and rescheduling policy. Possible refund or tour reorganization options may be available.
- Alternative Planning: If the tour is cancelled due to unforeseen events, we commit to offering an alternative, such as a substitute tour on a later date.
- Emergency Contact and Schedule: If the tour is postponed, you will receive information on the meeting time and an emergency contact number for assistance during the postponement period.
For further information or questions, please contact us at the numbers listed below. Our team is at your disposal to ensure a memorable experience in Monopoli.
Contact Number: +39 0835334543 / +39 3284364400. We are here to help you and ensure that your tour is organized smoothly.
Frequently asked questions
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