Street Food Tour: Flavors of Polignano a Mare
2.5 hours
A Culinary Tour in Polignano a Mare
Discover the culinary delights of Polignano a Mare, a picturesque coastal town in southern Italy. Known for its vibrant street food scene and food tours, Polignano a Mare offers a wide selection of delicious dishes that will surely satisfy your palate. From local specialties to international flavors, immerse yourself in the culinary culture of this charming destination.
A Paradise for Street Food Lovers
The delights of street food in Polignano a Mare are a true paradise for street food enthusiasts. This charming coastal town offers a wide range of treats that will satisfy every palate. Among the local specialties that you absolutely must try are the stuffed focaccias, filled with fresh and tasty ingredients like tomatoes, buffalo mozzarella, and olives. Don't miss the delicious fish meatball, made with fresh fish and topped with tomato sauce. Another must-try delicacy is the fried olive ascolane, stuffed with meat and fried to perfect crispiness.
An Immersion in Local Cuisine
Gastronomic tours discovering the cuisine of Polignano a Mare are an unmissable experience for food lovers. During these tours, participants will have the chance to taste some of the most delicious and authentic dishes in the region. From focaccias filled with local cheese and cured meats to fresh fish meatballs, each bite is a true delight. Visitors will also uncover the secrets of olive oil production and taste high-quality local wines.
The Best of Puglian Tradition
If you are a fan of Italian cuisine, Polignano a Mare is the ideal destination for you. Among the dishes to sample are the famous Orecchiette with turnip tops, a typical Puglian pasta dish dressed with fresh vegetables and sausage. You can't leave Polignano a Mare without trying the Panzerotto, a fried pastry filled with tomato and mozzarella. Lastly, don't miss the artisanal gelato made with fresh, genuine ingredients. These dishes are just a few of the delights this town has to offer its visitors.
Reflections on Culinary Tourism
Polignano a Mare is a true delight for foodies, who can discover the authentic flavors of local cuisine through food tours and street food. However, one wonders if the growing popularity of culinary tourism impacts local culinary traditions and environmental sustainability. It's important to reflect on how to preserve the culinary identity of Polignano a Mare for future generations.
- Appetite and Curiosity
- Comfortable Shoes
- Camera or Smartphone
Available languages
- Discovering Authentic Flavors of Polignano a Mare's Culinary Tradition
- Gastronomic Tours Exploring the Cuisine of Polignano a Mare
- Delights of Street Food in Polignano a Mare
- The Best Dishes to Taste in Polignano a Mare
- Professional Guide: Accompanied by an experienced local guide who will lead the group through the tour and provide information about the area's history and culinary traditions.
- Tasting of Local Products: Sampling of local specialties, including the special coffee, focaccia, panzerotto, local wine, burrata, and capocollo di Martina Franca.
Not included
- Transportation Costs: The cost of transportation to reach the tour starting point is not included in the price and must be covered by the customer.
- Personal Expenses: Any personal expenses incurred during the tour, outside of the provided tastings, are not included.
- Tips: Tips for the guide or tour staff are not included and are at the discretion of the customer.
- Transfer non inclusi
Meeting point
Directions on departure
Useful information
• Cancellation or Rescheduling Due to Adverse Weather Conditions:
- In the event of adverse weather conditions, such as heavy rain or storms, we reserve the right to cancel or reschedule the excursion to ensure the safety and comfort of all participants.
Safety is our top priority.
• Cancellation Policy:
- Cancellation requests must be sent via email to
- A full refund is available only if the cancellation request is received at least 3 days before the scheduled tour departure date. Otherwise, the full cost of the tour will be charged.
• Cancellation Within 3 Days of Departure:
- If the cancellation occurs within 3 days of the tour departure date, 100% of the tour fee will be charged as a cancellation penalty. This policy is applied to ensure the reservation of services and cover any incurred expenses.
For further information or additional questions, please don't hesitate to contact the following phone numbers provided below. Our team will be happy to provide you with all the information you need to ensure a memorable experience during the Monopoli tour.
Contact number: +39 0835334543 / +39 3284364400
We will be available to assist you with any requests or clarifications needed, ensuring that your tour is organized impeccably and without any issues.
ATTENTION: *The itinerary outlined in the program may be subject to changes due to operational reasons or unforeseen circumstances (especially weather conditions). However, the number and quality of visits and excursions will be maintained. Any changes will not entitle you to refunds.
Frequently asked questions
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Daily Tour
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