Discover Lecce in the Heart of Apulia guided Walking Tour
2 hours
Discover the Hidden Treasures of Lecce!
Are you ready for an unforgettable adventure uncovering the hidden treasures of Lecce? With a guided walking tour, you will have the opportunity to explore this charming baroque city and immerse yourself in its rich history and culture. Discover the benefits of a guided tour and prepare for a unique experience in the heart of Salento!
Benefits of a Guided Tour
With an expert guide by your side, you will get to know every corner of Lecce, revealing secrets and curiosities that would otherwise remain hidden. You will admire the architectural and cultural treasures up close, optimizing your time and avoiding getting lost among the intricate streets of the historic center. With detailed explanations, you will fully appreciate the baroque works that make Lecce such a fascinating destination.
A Journey Through Streets and Squares
As you walk through the winding streets and picturesque squares, you will be enchanted by the intricate architectural details of historic palaces and churches. The stories and legends surrounding these places will make your visit even more intriguing and engaging. Don’t miss the chance to experience an authentic adventure, discovering the best-kept secrets of Lecce on foot.
Dive into the Magic of Lecce
Immersing yourself in a tour of Lecce is like embarking on a journey to the heart of the baroque city. Through this unique experience, you will admire the architectural wonders that make Lecce one of the gems of Southern Italy. The ornate churches, richly decorated palaces, and charming squares will be just some of the highlights of this exciting itinerary.
An Unmissable Opportunity
An expert guide will accompany you, revealing stories and curiosities about the local culture. Not only will you appreciate the incredible details of baroque masterpieces, but you will also immerse yourself in the vibrant and authentic atmosphere of the city. A tour of Lecce is the perfect opportunity to discover the hidden charm of this captivating city.
Discover the Secrets of Lecce
Get ready to be enchanted by the magic of Lecce as you walk through its historic streets. What lies behind the magnificent baroque facades? What stories and secrets await discovery? Join us to answer these questions and experience an unforgettable adventure!
- Comfortable and weather-appropriate clothing.
- An umbrella or a K-Way in case of rain
- Reusable water bottle.
Available languages
- Exploring Lecce: A Comprehensive Guide to Guided Tours and Walking Tours
- The Benefits of a Guided Tour in Lecce
- Uncovering the Hidden Gems of Lecce on Foot
- Lecce Tour: A Journey into the Heart of the Baroque City
- Expert tour guide, ready to share with you the rich history, art, and culture of Lecce
- Exclusive access to the evocative "Medieval Jewish Lecce" Underground Museum (for the shared tour)
Not included
- Any additional entrance fees or tariffs must be paid directly on site (for the private tour)
- Meals and beverages
- Tips for the tour guide or other services not included in the tour price
- Transfer non inclusi
Meeting point
Directions on departure
Admire the majestic Baroque architecture of this basilica, enriched with intricate details and ornamental sculptures.
Descend into the depths of the city to explore the mysterious undergrounds that narrate the history of Lecce's Jewish community.
Visit this Baroque church with its elaborate facade and sumptuous interiors, witnesses to the rich religious history of the city.
Stop at the lively central square, surrounded by historic buildings and dominated by the famous column of Sant'Oronzo.
Admire the ancient building of the Sedile, a symbol of civic power and home to important city institutions.
Contemplate the grandeur of this Roman column, an icon of ancient Roman presence in Lecce.
Discover the well-preserved remains of this ancient Roman amphitheater, a testament to the city's glorious past.
Explore the site of the Roman Theater, where performances and cultural events were once held.
Stroll along the picturesque Corso Vittorio Emanuele, lined with sumptuous historical palaces, including the Seminary.
Conclude your tour at the Episcopio, an ancient bishop's palace that houses artistic and architectural treasures.
Useful information
• Cancellation or postponement due to adverse weather conditions:
- In the event of adverse weather conditions, such as heavy rain or storms, we reserve the right to cancel or postpone the excursion to ensure the safety and comfort of all participants.
Safety is our top priority.
• Cancellation Policy:
- Cancellation requests should be sent by email to
- A full refund is only possible if the cancellation request is received at least 24 hours before the scheduled departure date of the tour. Otherwise, the full cost of the tour will be charged.
• Cancellation within 24 hours of departure:
- If the cancellation is made within 24 hours of the tour departure date, 100% of the tour fee will be charged as cancellation fee. This policy is applied to guarantee the reservation of services and to cover any costs already incurred.
For further information or additional questions, please don't hesitate to contact the following phone numbers provided below. Our team will be happy to provide you with all the information you need to ensure a memorable experience during the Lecce tour.
Contact number: +39 0835334543 / +39 3284364400
We will be available to assist you with any requests or clarifications needed, ensuring that your tour is organized impeccably and without any issues.
ATTENTION: *The itinerary outlined in the program may be subject to changes due to operational reasons or unforeseen circumstances (especially weather conditions). However, the number and quality of visits and excursions will be maintained. Any changes will not entitle you to refunds.
Frequently asked questions
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