Panoramic Tour in Ape Calessino in Matera
0.8 hours
Discover the Sassi on Board an Ape Calessino!
Hop aboard a charming Ape Calessino and get ready to explore the Sassi of Matera in an exclusive tour that will take you back in time! You’ll be guided by a passionate, expert driver who will act as your guide, leading you on a unique journey through the history, traditions, and legends of this ancient city, with an audio guide in English and French to enrich every detail.
Starting from the Majestic Piazza San Francesco
Begin the tour at Piazza San Francesco, where you’ll be greeted by the impressive Baroque Church of San Francesco d'Assisi—a perfect start to soak in Matera’s historic atmosphere. Traveling along Via del Corso, the main street of the old city, you’ll admire the elegant facades of 18th-century buildings and take in the lively Piazza del Sedile with its Conservatory.
Piazza Duomo and the Ancient Civita District
Moving forward, we’ll reach Piazza Duomo in the Civita district, the ancient heart of Matera, where you’ll find the magnificent Romanesque-Pugliese Cathedral, surrounded by noble palaces that speak of bygone eras.
Piazza Vittorio Veneto: The Heart of the Modern City
From here, we’ll glide toward Piazza Vittorio Veneto, the lively center of the modern city. Hop off to explore the underground areas and the historic Rock Church of Santo Spirito, dating back to the 10th century—an exceptional chance to connect with the city's ancient roots.
Sasso Barisano and the Church of Sant’Agostino
Through Sasso Barisano and along Via D’Addozio, we’ll stop to admire the picturesque Church of Sant’Agostino. Here, you’ll find yourself in front of one of Matera’s most striking views—a perfect spot for unforgettable photos.
Experience the Authenticity of a Casa Grotta
A visit to an authentic Casa Grotta will introduce you to traditional Materan life, with tools and furnishings that speak of a fascinating, genuine past.
Grand Finale at Piazza San Pietro Caveoso
Continuing toward Piazza San Pietro Caveoso, we’ll end the tour with a visit to the church perched on a breathtaking cliff over the Gravina, dedicated to Saints Peter and Paul.
A panoramic tour of the Sassi that will set your heart racing and leave a magical memory in your mind!
- Comfortable clothing suitable for climatic conditions
- Comfortable shoes or suitable for trekking
- A reusable water bottle
- Camera or smartphone to capture memories
Available languages
- Discover Matera aboard a picturesque Ape Calessino and let yourself be carried away in a unique and evocative experience.
- The Ape Calessino tour prices in Matera are highly affordable and offer an unforgettable experience for visitors eager to explore this historic city in a unique way
- The city tour of Matera by Ape Calessino will take you to discover the wonders of this thousand-year-old city in a unique and picturesque way.
- Tuk-tuk Tour: An authentic experience to explore Matera on board an iconic vehicle.
- Audio Guide of the Sassi di Matera:Â An audio guide system is available in English and French, providing information on the main highlights of the Sassi di Matera during the journey.
- Visit to Casa Grotta museum: Entry tickets to Casa Grotta museum are included, allowing guests to explore a typical rock-hewn dwelling and experience the authentic way of life within Matera’s caves.
- Panoramic Photo Stops: During the tour, the driver will make some pit stops in the most picturesque viewpoints in the city allowing guests to take photographs.
- Assistance and Support:The driver will happily provide assistance and support throughout the tour, whether giving local restaurant recommendations or helping with directions.
- Discount Coupon: Enjoy local products or a drink while admiring the beautiful sunset in a picturesque bar in Piazza Duomo. Collect your 10% discount coupon at our agency.
- Transfers included
Not included
- Meals and drinks:Â Meals consumed during the tour may not be included in the price and will be charged to participants.
- Entrance Tickets:Â Tickets to specific museums, churches, or attractions may not be included in the tour price and may require an additional fee.
- Tips:Â Tips for the tour guide or the staff of the places visited are not included in the price of the tour and are at the discretion of the participants.
- Additional services:Â Some additional services such as souvenirs, optional activities, or special transfers may not be included and require an additional fee.
Meeting point
Directions on departure
The tour begins from the iconic Piazza San Francesco, dominated by the Baroque Church of San Francesco D'Assisi, after which the square is named.
Through Via del Corso, the heart of the historic center, we'll admire the magnificence of the palaces, churches, and monuments of the Settecentesca Dorsale. Continuing along Via delle Beccherie, we'll reach Piazza del Sedile, where the Conservatorio di Musica Egidio Romualdo Duni stands.
We'll move towards Piazza Duomo, in the Civita district, the oldest in the city. Here we'll admire the majestic Cathedral in Pugliese Romanesque style, surrounded by noble palaces of the era, including Palazzo Gattini, Palazzo Venusio, and Palazzo Malvinni Malvezzi.
Continuing, we'll reach the lively Piazza Vittorio Veneto, in the heart of Matera's historic center. Here, we'll explore the hypogea and the rock church of Santo Spirito, dating back to the 10th century AD.
Through Via D'Addozio, we'll head towards the suggestive Sasso Barisano, where we can admire the unique panorama near the Church of Sant'Agostino.
Finally, we'll arrive at Piazza San Pietro Caveoso, where we'll visit the suggestive Church of San Pietro Caveoso, located on the cliff of the Gravina, dedicated to Saints Peter and Paul.
We'll exit the Sassi by Via Bruno Buozzi and end our tour in an Ape Calessino in Piazza Pascoli.
Useful information
• Cancellation or postponement due to adverse weather conditions:
- In the event of adverse weather conditions, such as heavy rain or storms, we reserve the right to cancel or postpone the excursion to ensure the safety and comfort of all participants.
Safety is our top priority.
• Cancellation Policy:
- Cancellation requests should be sent by email to
- A full refund is only possible if the cancellation request is received at least 3 days before the scheduled departure date of the tour. Otherwise, the full cost of the tour will be charged.
• Cancellation within 3 days of departure:
- If the cancellation is made within 3 days of the tour departure date, 100% of the tour fee will be charged as cancellation fee. This policy is applied to guarantee the reservation of services and to cover any costs already incurred.
For more information or additional questions, please feel free to contact the phone number below. Our team will be happy to provide you with all the information you need to ensure a memorable experience during the tour of Matera.
Contact Number: +39 0835334543 / +39 3284364400
We will be available to assist you with any necessary request or clarification, ensuring that your tour is organized flawlessly and smoothly.
*The itinerary indicated in the program may be subject to change for operational reasons or unforeseen circumstances (especially weather conditions). However, the number and quality of visits and excursions will be maintained. Any changes will not entitle you to refunds.
Frequently asked questions
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