Wine Tour in the Metapontino Area with Exclusive Tasting
1.5 hours
An Enchanting Journey in the Heart of Matera: Discover the Local Wines of Bernalda
Start your adventure in Bernalda! Nestled in the heart of the Metapontino, the Masseria Cardillo winery stands on three hills overlooking the splendid Ionian Sea. This area, rich in archaeological and landscape heritage, is just a stone's throw away from the picturesque Matera.
Stroll Through the Vineyards of Masseria Cardillo
Enjoy a walk through the vineyards, surrounded by breathtaking views and the fresh air that smells of nature. Admire the vineyards that stretch over 25 hectares. The temperate climate, thanks to the proximity to the sea, along with gentle hills and fertile valleys, creates an ideal environment for various grapevines.
A Dive into the World of Wineries
Discover the secrets of the local wineries, where the passion for wine intertwines with tradition. Dedicated winemakers cultivate high-quality grapes, creating wines that express the vibrant essence of this extraordinary territory. Such grapes as the Primitivo stand out and are featured in top wine labels like Baruch and Goj, along with the DOC Matera Moro and Malandrina.
The Fascinating History of Bernalda's Wine
Delve into the rich history of Bernalda's wines and the art of winemaking. Explore the innovative and traditional techniques that local producers use to keep the region's winemaking heritage alive. The winery employs cutting-edge machinery and has received numerous awards, including prestigious recognitions from the Italian Sommelier Association and Gambero Rosso.
A Dreamy Tasting Experience
Conclude your tour with an unforgettable tasting experience! Choose between two options: savor 2 or 3 selected labels, paired with a palette of Lucanian delicacies. Let an expert sommelier guide you, ready to reveal how each sip tells the story and passion behind each bottle. Prepare your taste buds for an unprecedented sensory adventure!
Join us for an exclusive experience and let yourself be captivated by the wines of Bernalda!
- Suitable clothing and closed-toe comfortable shoes
- Personal Devices:Â If necessary, the customer should bring along personal devices such as camera, mobile phone or other devices to capture memories of the experience.
Available languages
- Start your journey in the heart of Metapontino, where the historic Masseria Cardillo winery overlooks the Ionian Sea
- Immerse yourself in the beauty of the Masseria Cardillo vineyards, where you can explore sun-kissed rows of vines and learn the secrets of viticulture
- Conclude the tour with a refined wine tasting, accompanied by local delicacies, guided by an expert sommelier
- Guided Tour of the Wineries: Explore the world of Masseria Cardillo, immersing yourself in the genuineness, purity, and tradition of their vineyards.
- Vineyard Tour: Enjoy a stroll through the sun-kissed vineyards and admire the breathtaking scenery while breathing in the fresh country air.
- Tasting Experience: Conclude your journey with a tasting experience. Savor, depending on your choice, 2 or 3 labels of local wines accompanied by a selection of typical Lucanian products.
Not included
- Transport:Â Transport to and from Masseria Cardillo is not included in the package. It is the responsibility of the visitor to organize his transport.
- Meals and beverages not mentioned
- Transfer non inclusi
Meeting point
Directions on departure
Start your journey through the vineyards of Southern Italy in Matera, a city with ancient roots and unique landscape. Breathe the air full of history and discover the evocative atmosphere that characterizes this unique land.
Enter the world of Iacovazzo Estates, where authenticity, purity and tradition are fundamental values. Discover how Giuseppe and Carlo Iacovazzo cultivate fine vines and produce wines with a refined and intense taste, which pay homage to the tradition of the "Nectar of the Gods".
Head towards the Iacovazzo Estates, located in Contrada Saldone, a few kilometers from the Ionian coast of Metapontino. Imagine walking through the sun-kissed vineyards, admiring the breathtaking views and breathing in the fresh countryside air.
Learn more about the history and tradition behind every bottle of Tenuta Iacovazzo wines. Discover how the grapes, cultivated with care and passion, are vinified with modern methods and technologies, keeping alive the legacy handed down by the great-grandfather Vitantonio since 1897.
Conclude your trip with a wine tasting experience at the Tenute Iacovazzo. Savor the unique flavors of local wines while you immerse yourself in the breathtaking views of the surrounding vineyards. Knowing the history and passion behind each bottle, you will be able to fully appreciate the wine heritage of Matera and its surroundings.
Useful information
• Cancellation or postponement due to adverse weather conditions:
- In the event of adverse weather conditions, such as heavy rain or storms, we reserve the right to cancel or postpone the excursion to ensure the safety and comfort of all participants.
Safety is our top priority.
• Cancellation Policy:
- Cancellation requests should be sent by email to
- A full refund is only possible if the cancellation request is received at least 3 days before the scheduled departure date of the tour. Otherwise, the full cost of the tour will be charged.
• Cancellation within 3 days of departure:
- If the cancellation is made within 3 days of the tour departure date, 100% of the tour fee will be charged as cancellation fee. This policy is applied to guarantee the reservation of services and to cover any costs already incurred.
The minimum age to participate in the tour is 18 years.
For more information or additional questions, please feel free to contact the phone number below. Our team will be happy to provide you with all the information you need to ensure a memorable experience during the wine tour in Masseria Cardillo, Bernalda.
Contact Number:Â +39 0835334543 / +39 3284364400
We will be available to assist you with any necessary request or clarification, ensuring that your tour is organized flawlessly and smoothly.
*The itinerary indicated in the program may be subject to change for operational reasons or unforeseen circumstances (especially weather conditions). However, the number and quality of visits and excursions will be maintained. Any changes will not entitle you to refunds.
Frequently asked questions
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